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Words Have Power — Why Now?
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Words Have Power

One of the reasons speaking English is so difficult is the wide range of meanings any particular word my have. While this is good for comedians, lexicographers, and lawyers, it can cause problems for others.

In comments Norbizness points to a problem for Senator Frist when he provides Andante’s funniest quote of the day.

Both Oliver Willis and TBogg note that Kate O’Beirne at the The Corner might want to re-word her statement: “The Senate showdown gives us some idea of what it would look like if the Boy Scouts tried to take on the mafia.”

Come on Kate, just because the Shrubbery nominates an Italian-American to the Supreme Court it is in extremely poor taste to compare the Republican Party to organized crime and I don’t think that everyone who is a Democrat would pass muster for the Boy Scouts, Hillary Clinton being a rather obvious example. I feel certain that, unlike the military, a significant number of Republican officials may have actually served in Scouting.