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Following The Rules — Why Now?
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Following The Rules

Anyone who has ever worked in a large bureaucracy learns that the fastest way of bringing it to its knees is to follow the rules. Normally a lot of rules are ignored because they are outdated or, frankly, silly, but no one ever bothers to get rid of them.

I’ve done this myself in the military and law enforcement. Oh, you’ll occasionally have a supervisor or manager charge you, but you demonstrate in the hearing that you were following the rules, and you win. It is a mean, petty, perverse thing to do, and a hell of a lot of fun if you’re bored.

In the clear light of day, that’s what Harry Reid did yesterday: he willingly, knowingly, with malice aforethought followed the rules of the United States Senate. He wanted to talk about intelligence matters and that requires the Senate to meet in closed session. Those are the rules.

Like many “leaders”, Bill Frist was caught in open ignorance of the rules, and didn’t know how to respond. Since it only requires a simple majority to re-open the Senate, you have to wonder why Frist didn’t call the question. You have to wonder if he wasn’t sure if he could muster 51 votes from his 55 members.

If nothing else Harry Reid has given Bill Frist a homework assignment: learn the Senate rules, because I guarantee that Harry knows them, all of them.