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Old Conflicts — Why Now?
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Old Conflicts

Harsh words from Avedon Carol over at The Sideshow: “And I don’t believe any assurances from Alito or anyone else from this bunch who apparently have a religion that allows them to lie under oath to achieve their ends.”

While probably reminded of John Locke’s A Letter Concerning Toleration she is surely aware of the Investiture Controversy between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor. The problem being that Gregory excommunicated Henry and released Henry’s subjects from their oaths of fealty. The abrogation of oaths by Papal pronouncement was the basis of Locke’s objection to Catholicism. Such events are not erased by the passage of centuries, as they are a convenient justification for bias.

[Note – edited for clarity: I am not saying that Ms. Carol is displaying any bias, she is displaying a keen understanding of reality. These people lie.]