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It’s Called A Lie — Why Now?
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It’s Called A Lie

Andante has a great visual at Collective Sigh to go along with Upyernoz’s
post at Rubber Hose about Senator Frank Lautenberg’s attempt to rename the Republican’s “Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act 2005” to the “Moral Disaster of Monumental Proportion Reconciliation Act”.

What the Republicans are doing is cutting $35 billion from Medicare and food stamps funding, which would cut the deficit, except they are also including $70 billion in tax cuts. The net effect is to increase the deficit by $35 billion. Calling a bill that increases the deficit a “deficit reduction bill” is a lie.

Enron/Tyco accounting is not going to get the United States out of this Republican fiscal disaster. “Borrow and Spend” is the new Republican mantra for government.