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What Holiday? — Why Now?
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What Holiday?

These people are just apathetic and dysfunctional. Even a local mayor would know better than to make a change to veterans’ access to government on the eve of Veterans Day.

Rep. Steve Buyer [R-IN], chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee is a graduate of The Citadel, a Lieutenant Colonel and JAG in the Army Reserves, a veteran of Gulf War I, and he cancels a tradition of joint House/Senate meetings with veterans groups. When this practice was started “in G-d” hadn’t made it into the Pledge of Allegiance, and there were 48 stars on the flag.

I can’t imagine why he would think it would be better to have the same witnesses come to Washington for two separate meetings covering the same material. These organizations are non-profits and not exactly flush with cash. Washington DC is not an inexpensive destination and the national officers of the organization almost never live in the area.

Disabled American Veterans’ response is typical of what all the veterans organizations think of this action.

First Jillian and then his hoppiness, skippy, at skippy the bush kangaroo leapt on this, having seen the blurb at Think Progress directing you to the main article at The Hill.

At this rate I expect a “No Pregnant Women in Motels” bill to be introduced on Christmas Eve.