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This Is Just Wrong — Why Now?
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This Is Just Wrong

His hoppiness, the marsupial master of miniscule, skippy, the bush kangaroo, is recommending people engage in the deplorable practice of creating a Google bomb linking the term, terrorist sympathizer, with a certain obnoxious twit who has suggested that terrorists blow up a monument to the heroic firefighters who battled the multiple conflagrations that occurred after the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and continue to risk their lives.

Just because this total moron is unaware that members of the San Francisco Fire Department are currently deployed in war zones with their National Guard and Reserve units is no reason to include <a href=”http://www.billoreilly.com/”>terrorist sympathizer</a> in posts on your web site, or in comments on the sites of others.

No matter how much of a terrorist sympathizer you believe this individual to be because of his mindless spewing of hate directed towards American voters and members of the military currently at risk, this is not nice.