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Tsk, Tsk — Why Now?
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Tsk, Tsk

First I would like to thank Mustang Bobby and Steve Bates for their valiant attempts to quell the spreading virus of skippy’s deplorable Google bomb for terrorist sympathizer. I commend them for their attempts to raise the tenor of the conversation.

I suspected that George would join the “terrorist sympathizer” bandwagon as he was the originator of the infamous Miserable Failure effort.

Unfortunately Maru and Upyernoz feel that terrorist sympathizer is a justified label and come down with skippy.

More distressingly, Phinky at Ignorant Hussy not only supports the terrorist sympathizer meme, but thinks that a certain odious media conglomerate headed by a noisome Australian cane toad should be identified as an evil empire. While I don’t disagree that many of its subsidiaries do seem to lack any commitment to reality or the concept of the truth, referring to this global spider’s web of disinformation as an evil empire is not very polite. Consider for a moment, these people may not be evil, they could just be incredibly ignorant or, possibly, confused by physician prescribed medication.

If we continue with things like the terrorist sympathizer and evil empire campaigns, people will think that we are totally fed up with being abused by group of ignorant, disingenuous twits and fighting back. This might cause Senator “Blanche” Frist to have another attack of the vapors and feel really poorly, although, probably not a poorly as the young lady he jilted two weeks before a planned wedding.