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Dumber Than Rocks — Why Now?
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Dumber Than Rocks

Via Susie and Laura we discover the naïeté of the Wall Street Journal: “…And we know for a fact that information wrung from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others has helped prevent further attacks on U.S. soil.”

Sorry, but “we” know no such thing, we have been told that this is true by the same group that told us that Saddam had tons of WMDs and the ability to attack the United States with them.

If the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal is this gullible after all of the evidence of the past several years, one can understand why they missed all the accounting scandals and the less than stellar performance of their parent company’s “Industrial Average” since they decided that George W. Bush was the man to lead the country to a stronger economy.

This is what happens when you put sandstone in a suit.