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When Did The Military Join The Republican Party? — Why Now?
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When Did The Military Join The Republican Party?

Mustang Bobby has a Good Question.

The question is contained in a Josh Marshall post of a reader’s e-mail:

“…When did it become appropriate for the Commander-in-Chief to go onto a military installation before a military crowd and denounce the opposition party?…”

Josh notes: “…it’s also on the eve of a trip abroad.”

Bobby picks up the point and posts about the speech the Shrubbery gave at Elmendorf AFB while flying to Asia for several meetings. In the speech to Air Force personnel he repeats his denunciation of Democrats.

Read the founding documents. Show me where in those documents there is any support for a President making blatantly political speeches to the military of the United States. Show me the references that say the military isn’t required to be apolitical and non-partisan. Show the Department of Defense directives or articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that encourage partisan political activity by active duty members of the military.

I want some demonstration of anything in the traditions, customs, rules and/or regulations that would make anyone believe that partisan political activities are acceptable on the installations of any of the Armed Forces of the United States.

If you can’t leave your political rhetoric outside the main gate, don’t enter the installation.