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Backlash — Why Now?
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Publius at Legal Fiction reports on This Year’s Jingoism, the attempt regain control of the situation by the Shrubbery and the Mole Rat.

I think his analysis is valid and has resulted in a backlash from many people who might have remained silent.

Among one of the most respected Democratic officials on defense, Congressman John Murtha [D-PA], a retired Colonel in the Marine Reserves and a member of Congress for over 30 years, has had enough. He voted to authorize Bush to use force in Iraq, but he sees no point in continuing the operation.

From the CNN report:

“U.S. and coalition troops have done all they can in Iraq,” the senior lawmaker said. “It’s time for a change in direction.”

He said he believes all the forces could be redeployed over a six-month period.

Murtha, a former Marine Corps colonel and veteran of the Vietnam war, is the first senior lawmaker to call for an immediate withdrawal. Other critics of the war have asked President Bush to set up a timetable for withdrawal.


“I resent the fact that on Veterans Day, they criticized Democrats for criticizing them,” Murtha said. “This [the war] is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion. The American public knows it, and lashing out at critics doesn’t help a bit. You’ve got to change the policy. That’s what’s going to help the American people. You need to change direction.”

Murtha is respected on both sides of the aisle for his view on defense issues, and his open shift to opposing the war will provide cover for others, and hopefully some spine to Democrats.

[Update: My bad – I first noticed this at NTodd’s place.