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The Backlash Continues — Why Now?
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The Backlash Continues

So I’m messing around with the radio on and I hear on NPR’s All Things Considered National security correspondent Jackie Northam actually reporting on the Shrubbery and Mole Rat’s claim that Congress had the same intelligence that the White House had when they voted for the bill authorizing force to be used in Iraq if Saddam didn’t comply with United Nation’s Security Council resolutions [no, folks they did not vote on a declaration of war against Iraq, they voted to use force if Saddam did comply].

You can listen to the audio link at: White House Takes On Iraq Critics.

The short version: Congress didn’t get all the intelligence, and what was missing were the intelligence reports that said that a lot of what they did get was bogus.

Just so no one thinks that NPR has decided to totally convert to reality, they followed this with a Barbara Bradley Hagerty piece on what a wonderful thing it would be for separation of church and state for Scalito to be confirmed as he would decide these issues exactly like Justice O’Connor, so he’s really not as radical as people would think from his opinions, oh and he ruled in favor of Muslim police officers’ beards, so he supports all religions and there’s nothing to worry about.