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Losers — Why Now?
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In a thinly veiled Republican stunt the leadership of the House has scheduled a vote on a measure that is supposed to embarrass Democrats in general and Representative “Jack” Murtha in particular:

Murtha offered a resolution that would force the president to withdraw the nearly 160,000 troops in Iraq “at the earliest practicable date.” It would establish a quick-reaction force and a nearby presence of Marines in the region. It also said the U.S. must pursue stability in Iraq through diplomacy.

But House Republicans planned to put to a vote – and reject – their own resolution that simply said: “It is the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately.”

At some point in the future historians will wonder:

How the Busheviki can justify not killing or capturing Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi any of the three times he and his group were located in Kurdish controlled northern Iraq prior to the start of the war?

How they can justify not closing the trap on Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri when they were in Tora Bora?

How they can justify protecting the Mujahedin-e Khalq [MEK] when Iran is willing to swap Al Qaeda and Taliban captives for the MEK?

It isn’t the end of this conflict that is going to make the Shrubbery the worst President in US history; it is the beginning and conduct of the war.

[And, as my Mother noted yesterday, an economy worse than Hoover, corruption worse than Harding, and less honor than Nixon.]