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But, We’re The Good Guys — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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But, We’re The Good Guys

The United States demands that other countries provide witnesses to United Nations inspectors and investigators and allow the witnesses to be questioned in private, but when the UN asks for private visits with Guantanamo detainees, the Bush administration said no.

As the BBC reports the UN rejected Guantanamo visit offer, because the US refused to allow the private visits.

More and more the US is being compared to Iraq under Saddam, and from the point of view of an outsider, we are looking worse and worse.

Having already broken the unwritten rule about partisan attacks while speaking at military bases, the Shrubbery is now doing it while on a foreign trip. The man has absolutely no class, and is an embarrassment to the country. The only thing that would help his abysmal poll numbers would be to act “Presidential”, but he has chosen to be a candidate in a non-existent campaign.