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Perhaps There’s A Problem — Why Now?
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Perhaps There’s A Problem

An Arab League conference in Cairo designed to bring the various sectarian groups in Iraq together to plan a later conference in Iraq was interrupted when Shi’ites and Kurds walked out. The delegates were a bit miffed when an Iraqi Christian called them US lackeys and dismissed the entire process in Iraq as illegitimate.

The Saudis stepped in and paid made everyone apologize and promise to play nice.

Iraq is an artificial construct that was held together by force. The US invasion removed that force and the “nation” is breaking up just like Yugoslavia after the death of Tito. The Kurds in the North and Shi’ia in the South will have oil wealth, but there is no source of wealth for the Sunnis in the middle. Having been associated with the regime of Saddam, the Sunnis doubt that they can have a comfortable existence when they are dependent on “the kindness of strangers”.

This is why his neighbors didn’t want Saddam removed after Gulf War I. Iran is the only winner, and everyone who understands the area knows it.