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It’s the Big Dog’s Fault — Why Now?
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It’s the Big Dog’s Fault

Quiddity noticed Max Boot trying to spread the blame for Iraq with an “abridged” Clinton quote.

Yes, the Big Dog was annoyed with Saddam in December of 1998, and as a result he ordered Operation Desert Fox which punished Saddam for failing to cooperate with weapons inspections and finished off Saddam’s WMD programs, at least according to those who went looking for WMDs after the invasion.

If people were really upset with Saddam’s WMD program, why haven’t they been condemning the Reagan administration for providing him with the chemicals and biological samples he used to create the programs. Ask Rumsfeld about it, he was Reagan’s representative to Saddam when these decisions were made.

If you were paying attention you would note that Saddam is being tried for an atrocity unrelated to WMDs, so he will be convicted and executed to prevent any testimony about potentially embarrassing American complicity in the WMD programs.