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You Can Relax — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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You Can Relax

Okay, I’m done for the time being messing around. This upgrade was a PITA because of all of the customizing I had done over the months, which I had to re-do in the new version.

Yes the fonts are bigger, because I wear bifocals and am tired of squinting. Teeny type may be the fashion, but it’s a pain to read quickly. The same goes for the debate between Serif and Sans Serif faces, I find the Serif more readable, so I use it for the text.

In general I have opted to allow users to see the typeface they selected in their browser as their choice for Serif and Sans Serif, rather than my choice, which is fairly odd and you probably don’t have it anyway.

Sorry, for all of the construction debris.


1 hipparchia { 06.03.07 at 2:07 am }

that’s it?! you’re going to quit now?! if you want to see odd, you should see this on my computer. not that it’s your fault that i use an odd browser.

2 andante { 06.03.07 at 8:33 am }

My eyes thank you for the larger font. I would willingly squint or go to ridiculous lengths to read your posts, but still….

3 Bryan { 06.03.07 at 11:03 am }

Hipparchia, you can change your default fonts, and if you think this looks weird, you might want to. Which browser are you using – Safari, Opera?

Andante, I prefer substance over form. I have no graphical talent, so I make no claim for artistic presentation.

4 hipparchia { 06.03.07 at 9:45 pm }

ok, i’ll try it.

5 Bryan { 06.04.07 at 10:05 am }

I use Georgia as my Serif font, and Lucida Sans as my San-Serif font.