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Operation Bot Roast? — Why Now?
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Operation Bot Roast?

The BBC has imaginative headlines: FBI tries to fight zombie hordes

The FBI is contacting more than one million PC owners who have had their computers hijacked by cyber criminals.

The initiative is part of an ongoing project to thwart the use of hijacked home computers, or zombies, as launch platforms for hi-tech crimes.

The FBI has found networks of zombie computers being used to spread spam, steal IDs and attack websites.

The agency said the zombies or bots were “a growing threat to national security”.

The FBI has been trying to tackle networks of zombies for some time as part of an initiative it has dubbed Operation Bot Roast.

This operation recently passed a significant milestone as it racked up more than one million individually identifiable computers known to be part of one bot net or another.

Wow, I’m impressed – the FBI actually doing something that has a chance of cleaning up some the problems with spam and denial of service attacks.  On the other hand – Operation Bot Roast?


1 Steve Bates { 06.15.07 at 12:05 pm }

I kind of like the name. OTOH, I would like such a name, wouldn’t I?

2 Bryan { 06.15.07 at 12:58 pm }

You would create that kind of name for all operations, Steve.

3 hipparchia { 06.16.07 at 3:03 pm }

must… resist… tempta…

oh, i give up. i’ve learned to use the word bot in its present-day zombie connotation, but when i see the word bot, all i can think of is this.