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Do A Good Deed — Why Now?
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Do A Good Deed

Michael of Musing’s musings has managed to sneak back into the US from his travels in Europe, even though he didn’t have a deadly, contagious disease, and notes that there is a bill coming before Congress that could help a group that really needs it: homeless kids.

The admissions process is bewildering enough, and the financial aid obstacle course a nightmare if you have a stable home life, so imagine what it’s like for a kid who is homeless. It is cheaper to send a kid to college than to jail, so this makes economic sense.

Go, read the post, and then do something about it.


1 Michael { 06.16.07 at 10:21 am }

No thanks to the Border Nazis, mind you. They now have flunkies to assign people to lines for passport control, and the one I was sent to must have been staffed by a newbie (or else he was trying to hit on the young-ish man of Asian extraction standing at his counter), because I stood there for a good five minutes while all around me, people were moving through the barriers at the rate of two or three a minute. Eventually I got tired of the waiting game and moved to another line. The assignment flunky didn’t notice, but the CBP agent did. After stamping my passport and before waving me through to baggage claim, he said “I don’t blame you. I’d have moved over, too.”

2 oldwhitelady { 06.16.07 at 1:24 pm }

What a thoughtful article. I’m glad someone has taken notice of this problem. I’ll have to do what I can, too.

3 Bryan { 06.16.07 at 4:49 pm }

The people who work in customs and immigration throughout the world are generally reasonable, but I have run into people in every country I’ve ever visited that just want to make the process a PITA. The US tends to have more than their fair share.

It sounded good to me, OWL. There are a lot worse things that we could be doing with the money.