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Long Ago — Why Now?
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Long Ago

So long ago that Woody Allen was making movies that were amusing, he made a “sci fi/comedy” called Sleeper. It involved being defrosted from a long period of cryogenic storage to deal with problems in a distant future.

One of the first “gags” is when a doctor hands Woody’s character a cigarette as he is coming to and tells him to smoke it, saying it was tobacco, one of the best things for you.

Wellllllll, Peter of Lone Tree at Blonde Sense has a post about new research: Researchers Light Up for Nicotine, the Wonder Drug.

No, smoking isn’t good for you, but nicotine has some interesting possibilities.


1 whig { 06.22.07 at 12:59 am }

Smoking tobacco isn’t good for you.

Cannabis is, surprisingly enough. Vaporization is generally considered better for you than smoking, but even smoked cannabis may be excellent medicine for some people and causes no demonstrated long-term harm.

2 Bryan { 06.22.07 at 9:35 am }

Before there were inhalers, people with asthma were given cigarettes with certain drugs as part of their therapy. Medicine has a hard time keeping up.