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Palestine — Why Now?
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Liz at Blonde Sense has some of the winger reaction to Jimmy Carter’s complaints about the way the Hedgemony has been treating Palestine.

It is a fairly straightforward situation, the Palestinians had an election that the US, EU, and Israel demanded they have. The problem was the Palestinians didn’t vote for Fatah.

Instantly everyone cut off funding and Gaza and the West Bank have been descending into anarchy.

Hamas has finally established its control of Gaza using weapons, confirming the control it had already won at the ballot box, but that is being portrayed as a coup, while Fatah’s unilateral dissolution of the government and call for new elections is being hailed as legal.

Sorry, but the problem with democracy, is that it doesn’t guarantee the results you want. You can’t say you support democracy, and then demand a new election when the election didn’t produce the results you were looking for.

Abbas may be the choice of Israel, the EU and the US, but there is no indication that he and his party are the choice of the Palestinian people. What is the plan if they hold new elections and Hamas wins again?