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By now you’ve read about Irish Setter v. Romney, a transportation and accommodation case, well John McKay has found the appropriate response in The genius of capitalism.

I would note that cruelty to animals is one of the profile items for serial killers. They tend to be white males, socially adept, and well educated, as well.


1 Steve Bates { 06.29.07 at 1:00 am }

Now there is a well-dressed yellow dog for you!

2 Bryan { 06.29.07 at 9:00 am }

I can see packs of Irish setters following Romney around wearing these shirts at campaign stops.

3 John McKay { 06.29.07 at 5:14 pm }

When Frist was thinking of running, I expected the street theater types to rent cat costumes and show up at every campaign stop. Maybe they can apply those deposits to dog costumes. This should be fun.

4 Bryan { 06.29.07 at 6:00 pm }

I can’t believe that the family would talk about it. They act like it’s a “good thing.”

There must be some McGruff costumes available, although most cops I know think McGruff looks like a flasher.