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Autumnal Equinox — Why Now?
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Autumnal Equinox

You can watch the arrival of the equinox at Archæoastronomy. It takes place at 4:51AM CDT this morning.

It’s time to man the rakes in northern climes.


1 Michael { 09.23.07 at 3:26 pm }

We’re actually starting to see a few leaves change color and fall up here–and most of the corn and soybeans are ripe and ready for harvest. A couple of farmers have already started taking in their corn. I just love the colors at this time of year!

2 Bryan { 09.23.07 at 4:04 pm }

The color change is the thing I miss most about living down here. Most of our leaf fall is in the Spring with the live oaks. The only way to get color is to plant flowers.