More Don’t Bees
It’s Saturday and time for the liar-side chat™, in which the Shrubbery complains that he had to sign a continuing resolution because the Dems in Congress hadn’t sent him the authorization bills for the new fiscal year that begins Monday. He apparently forgot that since the Republicans gained control of the House in 1994, the spending bills have never been delivered on time, and the first thing the Dems had to do in the 110th Congress was to pass all of the spending bills left behind by the 109th Congress.
The coverage shows that someone on the Dem’s side understands political theater: Radio Addresses: Bush V. 12-Year-Old. The Dem response was delivered by a middle-school student who backs the SCHIP law that the Shrubbery says he’ll veto.
This is totally unfair. If you’re not going to use a politician, the student shouldn’t have gone beyond the fourth grade. the Dems keep bringing in the “intellectual elite” to sandbag Repubs. Let’s have a level playing field people.