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I’m Not Making This Up — Why Now?
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I’m Not Making This Up

To avoid any questions, Chief Justice Roberts went to the White House today and again administered the oath of office to President Obama. This time Justice Roberts did it right, and it was witnessed by pool reporters among others.

Update: Caroline Kennedy has made the rumor a fact. [I guess I’ll get the blame for opposing her.]

The “breaking news” is that someone has said that Caroline Kennedy has called Governor Paterson of New York and asked that her named be withdrawn from consideration.

I would note that unlike a lot of people, Governor Paterson doesn’t run off at the mouth, and hasn’t given any indication of who he is considering for the office, although there are rumors that he is getting tired of being lobbied on the issue. The two people most actively lobbying for the position have been Caroline Kennedy and Andrew Cuomo.

The Senate seat became vacant today as Hillary Clinton was confirmed as Secretary of State, so the governor will probably make a decision soon. I would hope, as much as I like his father, that the governor could find someone other than another white guy, like Andrew Cuomo, but a Sino-Puertorican transsexual atheist would probably be overreaching, even for New York.


1 Steve Bates { 01.22.09 at 2:28 am }

“… but a Sino-Puertorican transsexual atheist would probably be overreaching, even for New York.”

I don’t know about that, Bryan… if New York chose for its Senator a “sweet transvestite transsexual Transylvanian,” I wouldn’t be too surprised. 🙂

The word about Caroline Kennedy, even this late at night, seems to change by the hour and by the news service you read. I’m just going to hold my fire until more definitive word emerges.

Steve Bates´s last blog post..The Day After

2 Bryan { 01.22.09 at 2:59 pm }

There has to be a minority woman up for the job, given the number of women who have entered politics in New York. The old white guys club needs some diversity, and it sure isn’t going to come from the GOP. Someone who isn’t a lawyer would be nice.