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Drilling Isn’t The Answer — Why Now?
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Drilling Isn’t The Answer

The Republicans keep trying to give public lands to their friends in Big Oil so “we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil”. There are are whole lot of assumptions built into their concept that can’t be reconciled with the real world.

For example, the Pensacola News Journal is reporting Production suspended at Jay Oil Field

Denver-based Quantum Resources has suspended its Jay Oil Field production and laid off about half its employees as a result of the economic recession and dramatic fall in oil prices.

The Jay fields were first discovered in 1970 and contained estimated reserves of one billion barrels of oil, one of the largest single discoveries in U.S. history.

This isn’t exploration, it’s a proven field, but they are shutting it down to wait for higher prices. Just because the Republicans give them rights to public property doesn’t ensure they will use those rights for anyone’s benefit but their own. As Alan Greenspan finally realized, the self-interest of corporations isn’t very enlightened, just greedy.


1 hipparchia { 01.22.09 at 9:59 pm }

and prices have been inching back up at ‘my’ gas station the past few weeks. $2.01 the day after the election, fell steadily to $1.55 over the following weeks, stayed at that a couple of weeks and then crept back up to $1.89.

the self-interest of corporations is very enlightened. it’s their social consciences that have shrunk from never-very-big to smaller-than-a-subatomic-particle on greenspan’s watch.

hipparchia´s last blog post..What will they think of next?

2 Bryan { 01.22.09 at 10:29 pm }

Their only concern is for share holders, which includes the management, so you know they couldn’t care less about anyone else – be they employees, customers, or the nation.

I assume that you have the ethanol stickers added to your pumps, as has happened over here. That is the excuse given for the price increase. Apparently the state wants it, but it drastically reduces the storage life for the fuel I buy for my Mother’s generator. The alcohol attracts water and you get separation if you don’t use it quickly. A lot of boaters are finding this out when they have to have their engines repaired.

3 cookie jill { 01.23.09 at 12:46 am }

Don’t get me started on this offshore oil drilling stuff…..grrrrrrrrr.

cookie jill´s last blog post..oh, great! now we’ll have to change our name!

4 Bryan { 01.23.09 at 2:02 pm }

If they find oil, they just sit on it until they can gouge people, and if it’s tapped, it can leak.

Energy independence mean renewal resources, not sucking the planet dry.

5 cookie jill { 01.23.09 at 5:05 pm }

Basically the oil that they are drilling off our coast isn’t for autos….it’s really low grade that they use for asphalt and industrial sort of things…but you don’t hear a single reporter from the corporate media asking a question that would perhaps reveal that fact.

Reagan’s idea of cleaning up our natural “oil leaks” which do happen (our beaches are dotted with big clumps of sticky, gooey, ooey oil globs) is to “just drill and drain it all out.” People of the Rethuglican ilk seem to think that’s a good plan.

cookie jill´s last blog post..Hold the Guacamole

6 Bryan { 01.23.09 at 5:27 pm }

If it’s heavy crude, they are not going to be interested in drilling for it at this point. There are tens of thousands of acres of existing leases that have never been touched. Adding more doesn’t alter the economics, or the willingness on the part of the oil companies to risk money on new wells.

It is just more GOP propaganda, that “liberals” are the problem because they oppose the wholesale raping of the planet.