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Governor Paterson Makes A Decision — Why Now?
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Governor Paterson Makes A Decision

It’s a good decision for his election, as he chose from outside of New York City.

CNN reports: “New York Gov. David Paterson on Friday appointed relatively unknown U.S. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand to replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate.”

Her district covers the Hudson Valley and North, which means rural, agricultural, and conservative. She get perfect scores from the ACLU, the NRA, and is a Blue Dog fiscal conservative. She is from a long-time capital area [Albany] political family, getting her first political experience working with her activist grandmother.

Please note: contrary to conventional wisdom, New York State as a whole is not liberal or Democratic, it is a centrist swing state. This is an acceptable choice for the state that will help Paterson get elected in his own right. Hillary Clinton busted her butt getting support from upstate, and her replacement would be expected to do the same.