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They’re Having A Birthday — Why Now?
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They’re Having A Birthday

Both Cookie Jill and Fallenmonk decided it was time to face the world today.

That’s the world for you. You finally get the place arranged the way you want it and you have to move.

Happy Birthday to y’all.


1 cookie jill { 09.09.10 at 12:14 am }

Thank you for the Birthday wishes. I took myself out for a lovely ro-tic evening. (romantic without the “man”) Friends will take me out for, well, “liquid” celebration this weekend. I’m feeling old…. 🙁

2 Kryten42 { 09.09.10 at 12:27 am }

Heyyy… Happy Birthday to you both!! I really hope you enjoy it! 😀

I had mine last week, and for the first time I can remember (in recent years anyway), I actually got to enjoy the day my way, and nobody actually annoyed me!! (I suspected that I’d probably be dead the next day. You know… kinda like ‘the last meal is a really good one’ kinda thing! 😉 😆 But.. I’m still here. *sigh* 😐 😉 I still haven’t forgiven my parents for not having the decency to ask me first if I wanted to be brought into this crappy World!! Hmmph! 😈 😀

Ahem! Anyways… Enjoy it! (We all feel old Cookie Jill!) 😉

“The only guarantee we get when we are born, is that one day it will end! There is only one important thing… Everything we do in between.” 😉