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This Saturday — Why Now?
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This Saturday

This Saturday a publicity hungry leader of a micro-church [30 people] has scheduled a stunt in Gainesville to gain some notoriety. This is not making the people of Gainesville happy.

First and foremost, Gainesville is the home of the University of Florida and this Saturday is a home game at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. If this stunt interferes in any way with the tens of thousands of people who will show up to see that game, there will be trouble. College football is very serious business in Florida. [The compensation package for the football coach was $4 million/year the last time I heard.]

Next I would like to make clear that no one seems to know if this person is related to the Flavor Aid Fruitcake, but he is definitely not associated with Monty Python in any way.

John Locke was easily the most influential philosopher on the “Founding Fathers” of the United States. Parts of the Declaration of Independence are “borrowed” from his writings. His response to the questions of a friend, A Letter Concerning Toleration, is a guide to the thinking behind the First Amendment’s freedom of religion.

The simple fact is: intolerance towards any religion is unAmerican. It violates the letter and spirit of the Constitution.