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In Memoriam — Why Now?
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In Memoriam

September 11th, 2001


On September 11th, 2001 approximately 3,000 people died and the individual most responsible is still at large – why?

In the intervening years we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars, trampled on peoples rights, created huge new government bureaucracies, and can’t respond as well as the third world to a natural disaster.

Richard Clarke: “Your government failed you. Those entrusted with protecting you failed you. And I failed you. We tried hard. But that doesn’t matter, because we failed. And for that failure, I would ask, once all the facts are out, for your understanding and for your forgiveness.


1 Kryten42 { 09.11.10 at 11:18 am }

I think you know Bryan how I feel and what I think about that tragedy, that should never have happened. Under the watch of the likes of say Roosevelt, or Kennedy (or perhaps Truman, at least under his watch, the Corporations were kept in line and would never have been allowed the control they have today), I doubt it would have been allowed to happen.

A lot of mostly innocent people died. I’d usually say RIP, and I truly hope they can. But I somehow doubt many will. Truth and honor died that day as well.

The question is, how and why was it allowed to happen? And the second tragedy and disgrace is the fact that that question remains unanswered. Until that’s answered, nobody who died or truly cares, will rest. I won’t be holding my breath.

Yeah… A man-made tragedy of epic proportions. Sad.

Clarke said: “I would ask, once all the facts are out, for your understanding and for your forgiveness.”

I sincerely doubt the *true* facts will will be out in out lifetimes. And there will be no true understanding, and none of them, from the President down, deserve any forgiveness.

2 Bryan { 09.11.10 at 1:46 pm }

When the administration eliminates the FBI’s counter-terrorism budget on 09/10/2001 while Mr. Clarke is running around madly trying to get someone to take the known threat seriously, that pretty much explains why it happened, Kryten.

Passenger screening was a joke run by the airlines and staffed by minimum-wage people with no training of any kind.

Pilots and crews were told to cooperate with highjackers.

The White House was the last place you would expect to find the President, who broke all records for vacations during his eight years.

What can you expect from a guy who pretended he was cowboy, but was afraid of horses?