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Dear CenturyLink — Why Now?
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Dear CenturyLink

First and foremost, when someone is on the technical assistance line for your Internet service, talking about your technical support web site just makes them angry. Here’s a hint: If I could get to your damn web site I wouldn’t be on the freaking telephone!!!

Second, it is extremely annoying to remind people that they are on hold every 30 seconds. They know they are hold and the reminders don’t improve their mood.

Three, as there is a menu to work through for every other step along the way, why not give people a choice of audio on hold. Classical music fans could listen to the Ring cycle. Oldies fans could listen to the entire Beatles collection. Fantasy fans could listen to the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, without fear of interruption.

Just trying to improve your customer service with a little feedback…


1 Kryten42 { 09.19.10 at 12:35 am }

Oh yeah… I feel your pain!! It makes me laugh, in a very black *chainsaw massacre* kinda way!

They must hire GOP voters for support. I’m pretty sure Telstra hires Coalition voters. “No brains or common sense required”.

I used to have a lot of fun with *Phone Phreaking* in the good ol’ analog days! If they annoyed me, I’d use my blue box to scramble their phone lines, and once when REALLY peeved, I rerouted the M$ support number to a phone sex line! LMAO (truly!) 😈 Hey… at least the voices were far more pleasant, and it cost about the same! 😆

*sigh* I’m soooo boring these days! 😐

2 Bryan { 09.19.10 at 4:44 pm }

It’s has been really annoying since they passed laws against all of the real fun in the IT/telecom world and limited it to government agencies.

The really annoying part will be when they make the robo-call in a couple of days wanting to know about my interaction with their support team. It isn’t the people, it is the system under which they work. You have to penetrate three levels to get to actual techs who understand what you are saying when you tell them that you have a separate Cat-5 line running from the interface box inside and you are directly wired to their modem which is not used as a bridge to a router, but as the router. I have a straight, vanilla set-up for this machine, because I need access and don’t want to add any complexity.

I was once down for almost two weeks because a hardware/software upgrade went south on their equipment, and then they screwed up my user profile when they restored. When I finally got to the third level it was fixed in five minutes.

They really are pushing me to a satellite system.

3 Joey H { 09.20.10 at 8:45 am }


My name is Joey and I’m with CenturyLink. I’m sorry to read about the trouble you’ve had with our company and I appreciate your feedback. If you ever need any help you are welcome to contact me at anytime. My email address is Joey@CenturyLink.com. Thanks.

Joey H
CenturyLink Customer Outreach