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Avast Ye Lubbers — Why Now?
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Avast Ye Lubbers


It’ll be double rations of grog all around in the galley as ye throw the pasta and pesto down your gullet for the final day of Pasta Week, on Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Belay that! ‘T’would be better done by swilling lambrusco directly from the flask!


1 cookie jill { 09.19.10 at 1:48 pm }

Aaaarrrrgggggh! Lambrusco! LOL.

2 Bryan { 09.19.10 at 4:20 pm }

Well, you surely don’t suggest that I expose a ’66 Trocken beeren auslese to either swilling or flasks.

Lambrusco – a step up from Ripple…

3 cookie jill { 09.19.10 at 9:02 pm }

“Ripple!” Arrrrggghhhh. You be slaying me, my hearty. Next you’ll be suggesting we take to swigging the Zima.

4 Bryan { 09.19.10 at 9:32 pm }

Zima died in 2008. I had to resort to Google to find out what it was, showing once again that there are clear advantages to living without television in a small town, as I had never heard of it.

I admit to drinking sangria when I visited Spain, but only because the beer was awful, the wine beneath contempt, and gin was the only hard stuff. Franco was not a nice person.

5 cookie jill { 09.20.10 at 12:49 pm }

MMMmmmmm. Sangria. Me gusta.

6 Bryan { 09.20.10 at 4:54 pm }

The cheapest red wine available, fortified with gin, and a few citrus fruit slices is not really my concept of a great drink. Of course, that was the real Spanish version, which I imagine was altered for California.

7 cookie jill { 09.21.10 at 12:59 am }

Bryan….you know EVERYTHING is “altered” for California! 😉
Actually…on a hot day, listening to Flamenco music, perhaps viewing the tile roofs about town, a Sangria is just the drink to hit the spot. That or a few shots of Tequila.

8 Bryan { 09.21.10 at 11:56 pm }

For a really hot day you take the first gulp from an icy cold 5¾ ounce bottle of Coke and then fill the void with Black Jack. It’s still hot, but you don’t much care.