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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Remembering the Sun

Friday Cat Blogging

It will be back, right?

[Editor: Excise from late summer of ’08 because it is cold and miserable around here, and Real Life is being really time-consuming. Everycat is hiding someplace with as many as want to join, and they all want to be in the center.

Friday Ark


1 cookiejill { 12.03.10 at 12:54 am }

It’s a balmy 47 here right now

2 jams o donnell { 12.03.10 at 8:10 am }

-3C here at the moment with snow on the ground for five days.. that’s a hard winter for us!
Actualy it is pretty unusual for us to get snow at all before Christmas.

As for the cats, Robyn and Ted are in fro of the fire, Bebe is on an armchair rest by the fire and Boris is upstairs bothering the not-wife for lunch

3 Bryan { 12.03.10 at 9:45 pm }

Today is was normal, but there is a freeze warning for the beginning of the week, so I’ll be busy moving plants and covering the water garden this weekend.

Those very expensive places on the coast are not going to be very pleasant with temperatures like that, Jill.

I remember one year in the late ’60s when it snowed in London around Christmas, Jams, and people held parties in the street. I had just left a blizzard in Nebraska, and it looked more like a Harrod’s publicity stunt to me. You just aren’t equipped for it, but it looks like you may have to start becoming equipped, no matter what the Conservatives think.

4 Kryten42 { 12.04.10 at 9:11 am }

It’s humid and hot (with intermittent thunderstorms)! And will be for the next week they say! Insane (we go from melting to flooding daily. I can hear rumbling of thunder in the distance right now actually). And no, this is definitely NOT normal for Nov/Dec around here! In fact, the meteorologists say this is both the wettest Nov/Dec on record, and the hottest Nov on record.

Australia’s Funniest Home Video’s had some funny (depending on the point of view) cat happenings! 😀 I thought I’d share a few. 😉

Clever Kitty

Here Kitty

Classic Cats

These *SHOULD* open on the Channel Nine AFHV site with a video (Flash required) window for that clip.

Enjoy! 😉

5 Bryan { 12.04.10 at 4:26 pm }

This is why the grandson of one of my Mother’s friends wasn’t thrilled with all of ski things that she sent him for Christmas when he was at a school in Australia.

I saw that many of the farmers who were suffering from a drought, are now suffering from floods.

Too bad that Al Gore is overweight and wears earth-tones, otherwise people might take global climate change seriously.

6 hipparchia { 12.05.10 at 10:12 am }

the sun is back!

but so is the north wind. the dog is deliriously ecstatic, but the rest of us are hating this.

7 oldwhitelady { 12.05.10 at 1:36 pm }

That is such a good picture! Excise is beautiul. The classic kitty pose is beautiful. He could be an Egyption kitty.

8 Bryan { 12.05.10 at 9:22 pm }

I know what you mean, Hipparchia. I have to put up the framework and tarp over my Mother’s water garden, move some of her huge plants inside her shed and rig the heat lamp, before I lugged two oil-filled radiators over to the house I’m rehabbing, so the pipes wouldn’t freeze this week.

Ringo saw the sun and dashed out. She was back at the door in about 15 minutes to get in and was “muttering”.

OWL, assuming that pose is about that only thing Excise is capable of doing with any grace. He is a disaster at judging leaps. He is cute, but useless, having never progressed beyond the kitten mode.