What The Media Missed
So the media called in their “experts” to confirm the conventional wisdom that the shooter was a disturbed individual acting alone with three names, just like all of the other assassins in recent memory [which is remarkably short in the media]. They had their consultants look at the “confused ramblings” in videos and pronounce them unintelligible ramblings.
OTOH, organizations like the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Legal Center, Homeland Security, and individuals like David Neiwert, who track the whackoes recognized the themes.
Oly Mike at the Left Coaster provides links to sources in two posts, Loughner and the Militia Movement and Grammar, Language, Quantum Language and Money.
There are a lot of people like Mr. Loughner around. They are armed. They are dangerous.
“… a disturbed individual acting alone with three names, just like all of the other assassins in recent memory.”
But his middle name isn’t Wayne. A musician friend of mine, a Southerner who is a real American history buff, has the middle name Wayne, and always says that someday he will be compelled by his middle name to give up the music profession and go on a killing spree. Fortunately, he is about the least likely person I could imagine to do that. (“He was a quiet sort,” said his colleagues… except he wasn’t quiet; he was talkative but not mean.)
Well, “Wayne” would have been pushing coincidence.
The media just repeats court documents because they don’t know what people actually called the guy. This can be very confusing for Southerners as court documents are usually the first time you learn what someone’s real name is, and then only if someone else went to elementary school with them where the teachers used it. Having your real name show up in the felony arrest column of the Local Puppy Trainer isn’t much of a problem.