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Water, Water Everywhere — Why Now?
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Water, Water Everywhere

This ABC report gives you a better feel for the scope of the problem: Inland sea menaces Victorian towns

Victorians are being warned that a massive moving inland sea is expected to threaten towns in the state’s north and north-west for up to 10 more days.

Floodwaters are now heading for the Murray River town of Swan Hill, which is bracing to be hit sometime today.

The peak is expected to last through the weekend.

The state’s flood crisis is about to enter its third week and according to authorities it still has a long way to go.

It is estimated the moving inland sea is 90 kilometres long and 40 kilometres wide.

Try to imagine that much water moving inexorably through your area, and you will have a feeling for what the Australians are facing. Sump pumps and bailing aren’t going to get it.

This is how the Australian equivalent of governors deal with disasters: Bligh slings mud in flood clean-up

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has joined the thousands of volunteers out today cleaning up Brisbane and Ipswich.

The Premier donned a pair of gumboots and joined members of her running group in a working bee at an apartment complex in the inner-city suburb of West End.

Covered in muck, Ms Bligh wielded a shovel to help clean out one of the courtyards in the complex, and was too busy to talk to the media.

I don’t think taking a vacation to a theme park is going to be on her agenda for a while. This is what leaders do – they set an example by their personal conduct.


1 oldwhitelady { 01.23.11 at 9:21 am }

I like that she was too busy to talk to the media. That shows some pretty good character. Usually, leaders like to yak yak yak in front of the cameras and taking long breaks from the work.

2 Bryan { 01.23.11 at 10:19 am }

Jimmy Carter works like that when he is building a Habitat for Humanity house. Unless the local group mentions it for help in fund raising, you don’t know he’s there until afterwards. Bill Clinton attended at couple of memorial services down here while President, but they weren’t announced. and only local reporters found out by seeing Air Force One on the flight line when they drove to the events.

There are politicians who know how to leave the politics behind for certain events and activities. It would be nice to see a few more.