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What About The Ivory Coast? — Why Now?
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What About The Ivory Coast?

Where’s the response to what’s happening to the world’s chocolate supply – Gbagbo orders state cocoa control

Ivory Coast’s disputed President Laurent Gbagbo has ordered the government to take control of all cocoa purchases and exports.

A decree read out on state TV said the purchase from producers “will be undertaken exclusively by the state”.

Ivory Coast is the world’s biggest cocoa producer.

The country’s industry accounts for 40% of global supplies and is currently dominated by multinational companies.

The price of cocoa has been trading at its highest levels for a year, as supplies have been strangled by recent sanctions and the near collapse of the banking system.

We are talking about the loss of access to one of the basic food groups, the top of the pyramid, and where is the US response?


1 hipparchia { 03.08.11 at 9:00 pm }

the four basic food groups: chocolate, coffee, tea, ice cream.

2 Bryan { 03.08.11 at 9:32 pm }

Low salt, so it is obviously healthy…

3 Badtux { 03.09.11 at 1:23 am }


Forgive me, I would post some more, but I must go off and cry :(.

– Badtux the Chocoholic Penguin

4 hipparchia { 03.09.11 at 7:41 am }

it was a retired marine at camp lejeune [we were both contractors at the time, which should tell you something or other about the state of the military, but i digress] who taught me about putting salt on your coffee grounds….

5 Steve Bates { 03.09.11 at 11:05 am }

“salt on your coffee grounds….” – h

Was s/he Republican? Some of them have given me grounds for assault…

Seriously, I don’t know about salting coffee grounds. Would you explain, please?

6 Bryan { 03.09.11 at 4:33 pm }

A little salt will perk up the flavor of the stale military coffee when it is brewed. It helps to draw out more taste than the coffee would otherwise have. It isn’t a good idea with fresh ground coffee, nor for anything other than stale arabica.

7 hipparchia { 03.09.11 at 6:29 pm }

the marine had appointed himself sole caretaker of everything coffee in that shop, so i drank it salted, no questions asked.

you put the coffee grounds in the coffeemaker and sprinkle some salt over them. pour in the water and push ‘on’.

8 Bryan { 03.09.11 at 9:31 pm }

Doing that to real coffee must violate some international convention.

9 cookiejill { 03.10.11 at 12:11 am }

I had to take some time out to deal with this horrific news….and to consume some serious Trader Joe’s truffles.