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Daylight Savings Time — Why Now?
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Daylight Savings Time

Don’t forget to “Spring Ahead” as they steal an hour from your life by eliminating 2AM Sunday morning.

This really screws up the time keeping on the Iditarod, and makes the cats less than happy.


1 hipparchia { 03.13.11 at 5:08 pm }


2 Bryan { 03.13.11 at 5:32 pm }

I have never seen the point of getting up in the dark and trying to go to sleep in the light.

The change should be tied to the equinoxes, not some random date proposed by the maroons in Congress.

3 hipparchia { 03.13.11 at 11:53 pm }

i did have a tough time the summer i spent in minnesota. i’m used to being up and about for at least a couple of hours after dark before it’s time to go to sleep. there aren’t all that many hours of dark in the middle of a minnesota summer.

i do like having light at the end of the day when i get home from work… which is something i’ll get to renew my acquaintance with beginning tomorrow, this thing called ‘job.’

4 Badtux { 03.14.11 at 12:21 pm }

I need to set the clock on the automatic cat feeder, the cats are taking their cue from me, not from the clock, and whined miserably when I got up this morning because their food was not waiting in the bowl for them. Sort of the opposite of your problem with cats and the clock, but still a problem, they get *persistent* when they feel it’s time to be fed and I’m not feeding them!

– Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

5 Bryan { 03.14.11 at 2:34 pm }

Try it in Alaska, if you think Minnesota is bad, Hipparchia.

Fortunately the ferals go by the sun, not clocks so I change my “time” , while they work on the real time.