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Better Than Sliced Bread — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Better Than Sliced Bread

Do you need an antiseptic, acne medicine, a safe insecticide, something for rotting wood, an efficient lubricant? How about stopping a runaway nuclear reactor?

It’s time to go by your local drug store and pick up some H3BO3 [it will say boric acid on the jar of white crystals]. Leave it in the original container, because it looks a lot like sugar and salt.

Yes, boric acid does all that, and more. It is cheap and effective, and is the active ingredient in a lot of expensive products that add nothing more than fillers and fancy packaging.

The Japanese are pumping sea water and boric acid into at least two of the reactors to reduce the level of meltdown. They have already written the reactors off when they decided to use sea water for cooling, so things are worse than they have been telling people. No doubt the public statements were designed to “reduce the panic” that would be caused by the truth – a common government/industry excuse for lying.