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International Pi Day — Why Now?
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International Pi Day

Albert Einstein

3/14 is Albert’s birthday and

Π Day.

PiI assume you have all shopped for the perfect gift.

To get you started: Π ≅ 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419
716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211 70679…..


1 ellroon { 03.14.11 at 1:09 pm }

Ah, in honor of this day, I will eat some of my chocolate pudding pie.

2 Badtux { 03.14.11 at 1:15 pm }

I like pie.

And your blog won’t take three-word comments. Bummer :).

3 Bryan { 03.14.11 at 2:43 pm }

That is spelled Π, Ellroon, and they have a t-shirt for it.

That is a constant PITA, Badtux, and I have looked for that control, on and off, for months. It is character count, rather than word count. It is something like a 15 character minimum.

4 hipparchia { 03.14.11 at 7:35 pm }
5 Bryan { 03.14.11 at 10:06 pm }

Some people have entirely too much time on their hands 😉