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Rewarding Incompetence — Why Now?
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Rewarding Incompetence

Gulf Gusher symbolThis is the reason you do not run government or anything you really want to see prosper like a business.

This is not an April Fools joke, and was reported by the BBC: Transocean gives bonuses after Gulf of Mexico BP spill

The offshore drilling firm responsible for running the Deepwater Horizon rig has given its top executives bonuses for its “best year” for safety.

Transocean was blamed along with BP and Halliburton after last year’s massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Eleven workers, nine of whom worked for Transocean, died when the Deepwater Horizon exploded almost a year ago.

But Transocean said there had been a drop in the rate of recorded incidents and also in their potential severity.

Apparently “only” getting 11 people killed, and “only” losing one deep-sea drilling rig is an improvement over previous years.

It’s bad enough that it doesn’t look like anyone will do jail time over the Well from Hell, but having the low-life scum at the top receive bonuses after the ruin their actions caused along the Gulf Coast is rubbing salt into a lot of still open wounds. Doing this shows clearly that corporations are sociopathic.

Update: Not exactly a blogswarm, but Badtux, Attaturk, and tristero, and Digby felt this was a bit outrageous.