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An Award — Why Now?
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An Award

Order of Brave Sir Robin

After reviewing his plan for the budget, it is time to award the ancient Order of Brave Sir Robin to Representative Paul Ryan.

Having read that this plan was a “courageous” and “bold” blueprint for cutting the deficit and dealing with the Federal budget I eagerly perused it to see how he was dealing with the largest single item in the Federal budget, and the fastest growing for years – the Defense budget … and I read it again, because I apparently missed it the first time … and I checked the people who were calling it “courageous” to see where that part was located …

So, you end up taking money away from the old and sick to give to the rich and powerful, and the commentariate thinks it’s “courageous”? Every tinpot dictator on the planet does that. Every monarch who ended life a head short, did that. Going after the military-industrial complex would be a sign of courage, but stealing from the poor to give to the rich is the easy way out.

Not that anyone actually cares, but if you crunch the numbers, the “plan” actually increases the deficit, until the Medicare theft kicks in after ten years.


1 Steve Bates { 04.07.11 at 9:56 am }

Presenting the Sir Robin medal to Paul Ryan is an insult to chickens everywhere.

Besides, isn’t it the Dems who deserve the medal? As the GOP advances ever more outrageous proposals, the Dems are the ones who simply fold and “bravely [run] away.” I am not looking forward to the settlement of this asinine dispute. No, I take that back; calling it asinine is an insult to asses everywhere, who don’t deserve the insult any more than chickens do.

We are dependent for our wellbeing on a Congress full of utter incompetents. WASF.

2 Bryan { 04.07.11 at 11:10 am }

It is more of a reaction to the commentariat, who have been promoting Ryan as the “Second Coming”. I expect nothing from the Beaten Dog Democrats, and am rarely disappointed.