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Dog Bites Man — Why Now?
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Dog Bites Man

The BBC carries a report that is no more unusual than a “family values” Republican being charge with a sex crime: Israel’s Lieberman closer to corruption charges

Israel’s attorney general is considering charging Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman with corruption.

An indictment on charges of fraud, money laundering, breach of trust, and tampering with a witness was being drafted, the justice ministry said.

Mr Lieberman will have a chance to argue his case in a final hearing before a charge sheet is issued.

Come on, he’s a right-wing Israeli politician, of course he’s corrupt. He carefully responds that he “followed the law” and not that he did nothing wrong. Standard phrasing to indicate that any crimes he may have committed were simply errors in interpretation of the law, not an “actual crime”.

If he resigns after being charged, as he has said he would, than Israel will probably have to call an election.