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Just Pond’rin’ — Why Now?
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Just Pond’rin’

funny pictures - Just sittin... an pondrin...  Ders so muhc to pondr.

Those were the days back under the Hedgemony when St Alan of Greenspan, a Very Serious Person, warned about the danger of paying off the National debt with budget surpluses on January 25, 2001. Needless to say the Shrubbery averted that “disaster”.

Now I read that the IMF warns US to make a ‘down payment’ on deficit. Well, we could invest the $100+ billion line of credit that we extend to the IMF in a passbook savings account, if it would make them happier.

Zero may not be interested in anything that FDR did, but Florida’s new governor, Rick “Skeletor” Scott, likes one of the worst ideas Franklin had – court packing. The lege seems inclined to go along with him:Plan to split Florida Supreme Court clears a committee.

The plan would split the present seven member Court into two five member Courts – one for criminal cases and the other for civil cases, allow Scott to appoint three new justices, and give the governor the power to appoint the Chief Justices of both courts.

The current problems the Court has is not enough funding, but that isn’t addressed. The claim that it will speed up death penalty cases is totally bogus, as the delays are caused by the lack of funding for the lower courts and the Federal court process. Sixty of the people on Florida’s death row are still there because no one has signed their death warrants, which is the job of the governor, not the courts.

Fortunately this has to go to a referendum and requires 60% to pass.