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A Real Breakthrough — Why Now?
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A Real Breakthrough

This is something everyone can sink their teeth into and enjoy, a perfect example of why research is necessary.

The BBC reports that a Printer produces personalised 3D chocolate

Chocolate lovers may soon be able to print their own 3D creations thanks to work by UK scientists.

A 3D printer that uses chocolate has been developed by University of Exeter researchers – and it prints layers of chocolate instead of ink or plastic.

Think of it, a real, solid chocolate Easter bunny, not a hollow shell. Good chocolate, not the brown paste that corporations force upon us.

Why aren’t US universities doing this kind of research?


1 Badtux { 07.07.11 at 11:39 am }

This is the best food innovation since barbecuing, for sure.

– Badtux the Chocoholic Penguin

2 Bryan { 07.07.11 at 12:11 pm }

Chocolate herrings – the possibilities are endless.

3 Steve Bates { 07.07.11 at 6:29 pm }

A gal with a printer at Exeter
Found all of the guys tossing Chexeter.
Said she, “Don’t be rash…”
“Want choc’late? toss cash!”
One wonders what they will throw Nexeter!

– SB the YDS

(Although this one is original with me, I confess many limericks I read in my childhood involved Exeter. They’re not scarce!)

4 Bryan { 07.07.11 at 9:07 pm }

Ah, a British version of Nantucket.

5 Badtux { 07.08.11 at 12:17 pm }

I want a 3-D chocolate penguin, myself. Might feel a bit like Jeffrey Dahmer eating it, but oh so good …

– Badtux the Cannibal Penguin

6 Bryan { 07.08.11 at 2:30 pm }

Hmmm… cookie chip chocolate?