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How Low Is News Corp? — Why Now?
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How Low Is News Corp?

There is apparently no nadir they will not penetrate.

This is finally being reported in a small way in the US, but this criminality has been reported on for years in the British media. It came to light when the News of the World tabloid was busted for hacking the telephones of members of the Royal family.

During the course of that investigation, it was learned that the newspaper had been tapping the phones of other people, seemingly celebrities and politicians. While those cases are working their way through settlement talks and court cases it was discovered that no one was safe from the intrusion of the paper and its investigators.

Jams O’Donnell covered their actions in the case of a missing child, who was later found murdered, and now the families of victims of the London bombings.

It was reported today that Prime Minister Cameron promises News of the World phone hack probe, at the same time the British government seems set to approve News Corp buying a major shore of the SKY-B television network. If that deal goes through, it is likely things will get very warm for Mr Cameron, even within his own party.

Update: The Daily Telegraph is reporting that the families of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq may have been targeted as well.

I don’t want to hear that management didn’t know this was going on – doing this is expensive and someone had to approve the money for it. Don’t ask me to believe that lowly reporters at a Murdoch newspaper have the kind of budget authority that an operation this widespread takes.


1 jams o donnell { 07.07.11 at 11:36 am }

Ah I missed this post Bryan. NOTW has now been shut down. While I am pleased to se the back of that vile rag it changes absolutely nothing.

2 Bryan { 07.07.11 at 4:38 pm }

It will arise from the slime with a new name, but the same people in charge.