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Polled — Why Now?
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The Democratic National Committee is polling again, and as I am required to have a landline with my DSL, they called me.

They asked a question about the Ryan Budget Proposal that was interesting in its framing – they described it as the Republicans describe it – choice, private vs government, the whole load of BS that Ryan is attempting to sell in a TV ad campaign that I have seen a couple of times.

They are not going to like my answers when they are compiled, especially the ‘none of the above’ for the questions about the 2012 campaign and possible match-ups.


1 cookiejill { 07.11.11 at 10:22 pm }

Sure it was Democrats who called and not a astro-turf GOP push pull trick?

2 Steve Bates { 07.12.11 at 5:08 pm }

CJ, you beat me to it; I came here to ask that very question. If so, it wouldn’t be the first spoofed poll. I was nailed by one once long ago, back when only GOPers had no shame… these days, who knows who’s pulling what tricks.

3 Bryan { 07.12.11 at 10:15 pm }

The number doing the calling was the Democratic National Committee, according to The Phone Company, and it matched the number and address given at the end of the poll.

Other questioned reflected some traditional Democratic ‘values’, so I’m fairly certain it was in fact, a Democratic poll.

They might be testing the GOP meme to see if it is effective, or simply reflecting Zero’s attitude towards ‘entitlements’.