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Down Again — Why Now?
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Down Again

In its never-ending rush to be the worst ISP on the planet, CenturyLink is down again [system up-grade… awaiting parts… squirrels ate the router…]

I’ll probably be back at some point … or be on the news …

Update: 26 hours!


1 ellroon { 07.12.11 at 1:36 pm }

Man invades office of CenturyLink with bags of cat poop, declaring the bags comment on the quality of service. Cheered on by customers….

2 ellroon { 07.12.11 at 1:38 pm }

And actually… our net kept going down along with our tv. Turned out squirrels had been chewing on the cable….

3 Steve Bates { 07.12.11 at 5:02 pm }

Meanwhile, I keep hearing a strange rumbling noise outdoors… I remember that in the old days that sound meant I should shut down the computer, but I can’t quite remember why… seriously, this happens most every afternoon these days, but it never gets around to raining a single drop. All rumble; no rain.

Regarding your problem: maybe you could stuff some rodent poison in the router…

4 Bryan { 07.12.11 at 10:28 pm }

Nice scenario, Ellroon, but it requires the existence of an office, and cat poop not covered in very effective, biodegradable, cornstalk-based litter that smells like pine and contains baking soda.

Now, there are two black and one yellow Labradors in the neighborhood, who certainly generate a sufficient quantity of ordure, but it still requires an office that doesn’t exist.

We finally got some rain to go with the thunder in the last couple of days, Steve. It was probably associated with the remnants of Invest 96.

5 Badtux { 07.12.11 at 11:22 pm }

CenturyLink certainly has an office *somewhere*. Or do their employees work out of the back of unmarked white vans? Of course, said office likely is controlled access via badges so that no unseemly customers can get in, but so it goes.

Of course, if you can pump in liquified sewage through the mail slot…

– Badtux the Vicious Penguin

6 Bryan { 07.13.11 at 12:08 am }

The local service people park their vehicles at home and are dispatched by a office somewhere in Central Florida.

There is no one at the local switch, which was the office. Everything is controlled from that central office hundreds of miles away.

You have to pay your bill through the mail or the ‘Net, there is no way of paying your bill with cash. If you mail your payment it goes to a service bureau in Missouri, not to an office of The Phone Company.

7 Badtux { 07.13.11 at 11:31 am }

It is the geographic cure to the problem of dealing with pesky customers. Simply set up your offices hundreds of miles from your nearest customers, and only the most ardent will bother to track you down and possibly spew angry speech your direction (the horror, the horror I say! Customers angry about how you’re screwing them? Must be evaded post haste!).

This points out the intellectual bankruptcy of the Glibertarian position on competition and free enterprise in an era of easy transportation and communication. Perhaps when your local grocer was locally owned and had to look you in the face when he screwed you it would have been easy enough to effectively protest his policies and cost him enough business to force him to change such policies, but when talking about corporate headquarters being hundreds or thousands of miles away, not really.

– Badtux the Non-glib Penguin

8 Bryan { 07.13.11 at 12:04 pm }

Absentee ownership isn’t just for slum lords anymore…

9 Steve Bates { 07.14.11 at 8:35 am }

FTR, we’re afraid to use rat poison for anything here; there’s just a slight chance that a cat will catch a poisoned rat.

As for the doggie-doo, too bad it’s your ‘net connection rather than the doggies that is out of ordure… <grin_duck_run />

10 Bryan { 07.14.11 at 11:35 am }

Same here, re poison of any kind.

Steve, how would you like the odor of an order of odure … I’ve plenty to spare… 😉