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One Small Step — Why Now?
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One Small Step

Apollo 11

Apollo 11


Neil A. Armstrong

Pilot: Columbia Command Module

Michael Collins, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF

Pilot: Eagle Lunar Module

Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr., Colonel, USAF

Launched: 16 July 1969 UT 13:32:00 (08:32:00 CDT)

Landed on Moon: 20 July 1969 UT 20:17:40 (15:17:40 CDT)

Landing Site: Mare Tranquillitatis – Sea of Tranquility (0.67 N, 23.47 E)

Returned to Earth: 24 July 1969 UT 16:50:35 (11:50:35 CDT)


1 Badtux { 07.17.11 at 11:41 am }

Every time you post one of these space program thingies I get depressed, because the United States no longer has the capability to do things like send a man to the moon. Even if we started today, we couldn’t build a moon rocket by the end of this decade, because the U.S. no longer has the industrial base or wealth to do such things. Siiiiiiigh…. the best is behind us, I guess. Though Vietnam was hardly “the best”, indeed, was pretty much the Waterloo of the nation that was. But Can-do America is gone. Siiiiiiigh. (Yeah, I do a lot of that thinking about today’s Can’t-do America compared to yesterday’s Can-do America).

2 Bryan { 07.17.11 at 4:34 pm }

Ronald Reagan killed the American Dream by giving all of our assets away. Our corporations don’t do research to create the “next new thing”. they do marketing to sell the same old thing.