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At Last We Know — Why Now?
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At Last We Know

Who was the person responsible for all of the illegal activities at News Corp – it was the tea lady. Apparently under the Murdoch regime only the tea lady is allowed to know what is going on, and has the authority to sign a lot of six-figure checks to pay for all of the hacking and snooping.

It has to be the tea lady, because Rupert kept switching between being Captain Louis Renault and being “shocked” that there was illegal activity at the papers he owned, and then becoming Sergeant Schultz to claim he “knew nah-theenk” about what was going on.

James was just sorry, and I have to say he is one of the sorriest excuses for an heir apparent since Dick Cromwell.

Nothing was apparently part of Rebekah’s “remit”. She was simply paid a lot of money to go to the office and hang out with people. She didn’t actually have any real duties or responsibilities.

So, it must have been the tea lady.

[Note: See Number 7.]


1 Badtux { 07.20.11 at 1:58 am }

Not the tea lady. The plumber. Had to be the plumber. There’s a long tradition of plumbers being involved in such things, after all, dating all the way back to when the White House plumbers made a failed attempt to bug the Watergate Hotel. 😈

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

2 Kryten42 { 07.20.11 at 3:45 am }

Hmmmm. I always heard that in the UK, it was always the butler that did it. 😐 Times change I guess… so much for traditions! 😛 😉

3 Kryten42 { 07.20.11 at 5:11 am }

Heh… I just watched TDS and Jon was all over this in his great style! 😀 He also had Pervez Musharraf as guest to discuss Bin Laden. Fun for all! 😈

It’s a must watch program! 😉 😀

TDS – July 19, 2011 – Pervez Musharraf

4 jams o donnell { 07.20.11 at 7:26 am }

The tea lady is in deep trouble. Not only is she in deep lumber over the News International scandal, it has also been confirmed that she was the Zodiac killer and that she was on the grassy knoll . There is also evidence that she killed Cock Robin.

If we can pin the Jack the Ripper murders on her then we will clear up every unsolved murder in the UK and the USA for the past 150 years!

5 Kryten42 { 07.20.11 at 9:11 am }

Here’s a few more stories about Rupert Murdoch’s WaterGate, or MurdochGate (coined by John Dean & Carl Bernstein, two people who should know.

Carl Bernstein: Is Phone-Hacking Scandal Murdoch’s Watergate?

Video: Countdown – Murdoch’s Watergate, with John Dean

And then you have the *conservative* point of view, and what people who work for Mudoch think about it:

Glenn Beck Laughs About Dead Tabloid Whistleblower

The death of the whistleblower who landed Rupert Murdoch in trouble drew a big chuckle from Glenn Beck yesterday. “Did you hear about the guy who was the whistleblower on the News of the World thing? I love this story. He woke up dead!” Beck laughs on his program. “I’m not saying that foul play was involved, but it is suspicious that he’s dead.” He then quipped that Vladimir Putin was involved in Sean Hoare’s death. Hoare, 47, was the first to reveal phone hacking at the tabloid where he once worked.

And I bet ol’ Rupe feels the same way. Like likes like after all. Yeah…


6 Kryten42 { 07.20.11 at 9:18 am }


And here’s a few from Michael Wolfe and staff of Adweek:

Should the family be closed as well as the paper?

Could Murdoch’s Handpicked Board Turn Against Him?

Murdochgate Moves to N.Y., Focus on Hinton

And there are several others there. 🙂

I don’t think Rupe’s feeling the love right now. 😉 😆

7 Bryan { 07.20.11 at 4:44 pm }

Badtux, the tea lady would be the one who would engage the plumber or other craftspeople, like phone hackers.

Kryten, it is only the butler at country estates, the tea lady has a similar position at offices.

Jams, I don’t doubt for a moment that after the Sun and the New York Post get done with her, she will be indicted for Princess Beatrice’s hat as well as other high crimes and misdemeanors.

All of the “usual suspects” are trying their best to make this go away, but politicians are being pushed to clean house, in large part by the same people who bought NotW and other tabloids.

8 jams o donnell { 07.20.11 at 8:18 pm }

It has now been revealed that the tea lady’s name is Lydia Gordon

9 Bryan { 07.20.11 at 9:08 pm }

The same Lydia Gordon who was/is the hotel critic at the New York Post, Jams?

10 jams o donnell { 07.21.11 at 5:37 am }

Err more in keeping with the Sun and NOTW: Gordon Liddy had a sex change!

11 Bryan { 07.21.11 at 11:20 am }

OK, I can accept that 😆