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How Crazy Are They? — Why Now?
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How Crazy Are They?

If you were wondering, from intellectual curiosity, exactly how insane the Tea Party caucus of the Republican Congresscritters really are, you need to ask an expert.

My expert is the man who thought Sarah Palin would be an excellent choice as his running mate in the Presidential election of 2008, Senator John “Maverick” McCain of Arizona. When John McCain thinks you are “bizarro”, you really should have arranged for a room with rubber walls, and started buying those canvas jackets that belt in the back.

These people have transcended psychology, and landed in horticulture, because they can’t pass the entrance exam for animal life.

The real question is: who in the hell in the White House thought they could cut a deal with the Republicans in the House?


1 jams o donnell { 07.28.11 at 8:04 am }

The mind really boggles. Are thye looking forward to the US govt defaulting?

2 Bryan { 07.28.11 at 11:26 am }

They believe they can use the default to force the Senate and White House to agree to all of their ignorant plans to destroy the ability of the government to function.

They are celebrating their insanity, as are their deluded supporters.