It’s Summer
The area weather map is covered in pink indicating an Excessive Heat Warning.
Currently: 92.8°F [33.8°C] + 76% humidity = 120°F [48.9°C] heat index
I probably won’t mow the front yard, and won’t see any cats until after sundown. There is absolutely nothing that even suggests a breeze.
It’s been surprisingly mild here the past week. Got to a whole 75F(!) today. It’s usually *hot* here in August, with usual highs in the mid 80’s to low 90’s. Huh.
– Badtux the Baffled Penguin
Down in San Diego, September was the hot month, generally as a result of the Santa Anas. I don’t remember it ever getting warm enough in Monterey for the Air Force summer uniform to be comfortable without a jacket.
Monterey gets full force of the Alaska Current, the cold air off the ocean rolls in under the hot air pouring out of the central valley and keeps it cool. Here in the Silly Cone Valley, we get the equivalent of Santa Anas in August and September, actually starting to heat up in late July, and San Francisco Bay has heated up to the point where it can’t offset that. Well, usually. We had a couple of days where it hit 90 degrees during the heat of the day, but it fell quickly in the evening so that when I got home it was already a pleasant 78F outside. Today it didn’t even get past 75F.
Not that I’m complaining, penguins aren’t normally happy in the heat ;). It’s just… odd.
And on the other side of the World, we have just had our warmest August days EVER recorded! The ski fields are usually still full of people in Aug! Not this year… We just had a lovely 24c day a couple days ago! The only problem with that is, it does not bode well for summer! 🙁
Actually… I think the seasons have shifted about a Month. I think our winter actually started late April (we had a night early May that was below 0c!)
I think Kryten has tagged it that everything is off by a month, but our local problem is that we can’t get the high pressure area that has been over us for weeks to move out. That’s what swallowed Tropical Storm Don. As soon as it got over the coast the dry air over Texas sucked out all of the moisture and the high pressure lifted it up and away. I’ve never seen anything like that, and I’ve been watching tropical storms for decades.
Monterey had the advantage that if you wanted to get warm, you just drove over the mountains to Salinas.
While we would see 75/24 in February [the equivalent month], if it had happened in New York [an equivalent latitude] things would have been a mess.